Our Partners
All Things Natural Wellness Center is connected with several auxiliary healthcare services that we trust and recommend to our patients as needed.
Dr. Stewart is a naturopathic doctor specializing in acupuncture, dermatology, women’s medicine, and stress management. She incorporates numerous styles of acupuncture that focus on quick and effective results. These styles, known as Dr. Tan’s Balancing Acupuncture and Body Mapping Acupuncture, take a holistic approach to minimize discomfort and maximize health benefits. Click here to go to Dr. Stewart’s website.

At the core of this program is an individualized evaluation and treatment program that is physician-supervised, with emphasis on long term success in weight loss for better health and well-being. A full spectrum of tools including low-calorie formulations and diets, medications for appetite suppression, and exercise prescription are combined with behavioral modification techniques including meditation, individual and group counseling, educational sessions and cooking demonstrations.
Get started on your health journey.
Optimal health is waiting for you. Call today to schedule an intake appointment and begin your journey to natural health.